What is Project UnLonely and the Foundation for Art & Healing?
We’re a not for profit organization committed to creativity, connection, and health FOR ALL! We’ve been improving community well-being through the arts since 2003. Through thought leadership & advocacy, creative programming & resources, and collaborations & partnerships we are shaping a world where every person values and engages in creativity as part of their health best practices. In 2016 we recognized that the epidemic of loneliness was a major threat to physical and mental health, and the arts could help. Project UnLonely, its UnLonely Film Festival, and a series of related offerings for workplace, college, and aging adult audiences are signature initiatives of the Foundation for Art & Healing.
Is loneliness a big problem?
Yes! A 2020 Harvard study states that:

“Alarming numbers of Americans are lonely. According to our recent national survey of approximately 950 Americans, 36% of respondents reported feeling lonely “frequently” or “almost all the time or all the time” in the prior four weeks. (an additional 37% of respondents reported feeling lonely occasionally.)

A startling 61% of young people aged 18−25 and 51% of mothers with young children reported these miserable degrees of loneliness.

The cost of loneliness is high. Loneliness is linked to early mortality and a wide array of serious physical and emotional problems, including depression, anxiety, heart disease, substance abuse, and domestic abuse.”

more: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b7c56e255b02c683659fe43/t/6021776bdd04957c4557c212/1612805995893/Loneliness+in+America+2021_02_08_FINAL.pdf
What’s the connection between health, loneliness, and the arts/creativity?
How can I get involved?
in progress
I’m lonely. How can I find help?
in progress