

Derek Padula

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‌‌Hey! I’m Derek Padula, the Dragon Ball Scholar. I write non-fiction books and articles about the culture, history, and fandom of Dragon Ball, the world’s most-recognized Japanese cartoon and comic.
‌I’ve written and published 9 best-selling books about Dragon Ball, and over 500 articles on my site, The Dao of Dragon Ball, through my publishing company, Padula Publishing LLC. 

‌I also travel to comic book and anime conventions across the United States to deliver presentations and meet the fans, cosplayers, and collectors of this amazing series.
‌Read more about my books and offers, follow me on social media, and subscribe to my newsletter to gain insights into Dragon Ball!

About Me

16+ Years

of writing experience

78,500+ Followers

on social media

4.5 Stars

average book review


  • Akira Toriyama Biography
    The world’s first Akira Toriyama biography in English and Spanish
  • Dragonball Evolution Apology
    Received an apology from the writer of Dragonball Evolution on behalf of all Dragon Ball fans
  • Light of Hope
    Wrote Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope, the first genuine live-action adaptation of the series, with over 30 million views
  • People and Interviews
    Exclusive interviews with Dragon Ball staff
  • Inspiration
    Inspirational stories from DBZ fans and voice actors
  • Insights
    Analysis of Dragon Ball data and human psychology
  • Cinema
    Discover the films that inspired Akira Toriyama
  • News
    Reports on global Dragon Ball news and events
  • History and Culture
    Detailed discussions of 5,000 years of human history and modern sociological trends
  • Language
    Learn Chinese, Japanese, English, and other linguistics

Dragon Ball Books

Here are my Dragon Ball books. 

‌Slide left to right in the gallery to see each one. Click Learn More to be taken to my site to read about that specific book.

‌Or see all the books on my site:



  • Essential reading for Dragon Ball fans.
For Dragon Ball fans looking to expand their knowledge and broaden their horizons. If you are a Dragon Ball fan and want to learn more about the series and become a savant when it comes to Dragon Ball ... get this book in your collection! ... You’ll learn so much from each chapter that you’ll want to come back for more.
  • Surprisingly Deep!
The book blew me away with an in-depth character analysis of Goku and Vegeta, as well as a discussion of how these two characters illustrate certain principles of Daoist and Buddhist thought.
  • Move over Google, Padula has the most research.
Derek Padula has compiled a wealth of information about the creator and Dragon Ball universe. It is highly recommended.


  • Dragon Ball Z "It's Over 9,000!" EB
  • Dragon Ball Z "It's Over 9,000!" PB
  • Dragon Ball Z "It's Over 9,000!" HB
  • Dragon Ball Culture Volume 1 EB
  • Dragon Ball Culture Volume 1 PB
  • Dragon Ball Culture Volume 1 HB
  • Dragon Ball Culture Volume 2 PB
  • Dragon Ball Culture Volume 3 PB
  • Dragon Ball Culture Volume 4 PB
  • Dragon Ball Culture Volume 5 PB
  • Dragon Ball Culture Volume 6 PB
  • Dragon Soul: 30 Years of Dragon Ball Fandom PB

“Praise Kami-sama (or perhaps Shenron) for giving us Derek Padula.”


Buy my Dragon Ball books here:
Print books on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, Abe Books, Biblio, and Mighty Ape Australia

ebooks on Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, Apple iBooks, Google Play, Kobo Reader, Bookmate, Smashwords, and 24symbols.

They are also available in stores, libraries, and schools across the world by request.



“Thanks to the work of Derek Padula, the famous academic of Dragon Ball, fans of the franchise will discover new horizons they had never been able to imagine.” 
‌– Hobby Consolas


What is a Dragon Ball Scholar?
It’s my full-time job! Through my writing I reveal the 5,000 years of culture, history, and fandom that went into this amazing series. From ancient Chinese and Japanese religions, to modern Western pop culture, and how Akira Toriyama fuses cultures together to create the world’s most-recognized anime.
Where Can I Buy Your Books?
My books are available on most major book store platforms, in ebook, paperback, hardback, and soon-to-be audiobook. They’re on Amazon, Apple Books, Google Play, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, 24Symbols, school and university libraries, and a lot of independent book stores around the world.
What’s Your Favorite Dragon Ball Arc?
My favorite is the Saiyan Arc. It’s the one I first fell in love with is a teenager, and it means the most to me. It also has a lot of action, humor, character growth, and it expands the Dragon World into the afterlife and other dimensions. It’s got it all!


Dragon Ball New Age is the Dragon Ball fan manga that’s taking the fandom by storm. Read the exclusive Definitive Edition on my site! New pages every week!


Listen to the original soundtrack I produced for my video game, Puzzles of Life (2006). 

‌The music was composed by my friend Jeffrey Michael, a film and game composer. This was my first game, and it was scheduled for publication by Oberon Media. 

‌The game was never published, but the beautiful music lives on, and it’s yours to enjoy.

“Padula has earned the respect of all the fans in the world, and his work is considered academic.”
‌– RPP Noticias



I did some modeling when I lived in Los Angeles in the mid-to-late-2000s.